What is Collagen and Why Has it Become So Popular

In recent years, Collagen has become a buzz word, and some would even say, a household name; but what’s all the hype about?

Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the body, and is found in your skin, bones and muscles. It’s promoted by health professionals and influencers alike, however, the benefits of collagen are seldom properly explained or communicated to consumers. So, we chatted to Jess Hillard, nutritionist at leading sports nutrition brand, Warrior (www.teamwarrior.com), who gives us the lowdown on why collagen has become so popular.

Reduces joint aches and pains

Studies have shown that collagen can help reduce aches and pains. Collagen is a protein that is already found in the muscle and joints, so increasing your collagen intake can help create extra cushiony support between your joints, and therefore less friction – and thus, aches and pains.

Collagen can also reduce the risk of cartilage disintegrating over time, which can be extremely beneficial in maintaining joint and muscle health in the long run. Taking collagen can stand you in good stead to age healthily and reduce the likelihood of your joints and muscles becoming weak and brittle. 

Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

Another reason collagen and Sculptra treatments has become so popular is due to the way it has been shown to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Various studies have shown that collagen helps with skin elasticity, reducing the impact of wrinkles, and meaning that they are less likely to become a permanent feature on your face. Research has shown that this is because collagen orally enhances the skin’s moisture, which in turn, reduces roughness and promotes good skin health. After all, if it’s good enough for Jennifer Aniston, who hails it as “the glue that holds it all together”, it’s good enough for anyone!

It increases bone density

Studies have shown that collagen can help increase bone density, strength and structure. As a result, your risk of developing osteoporosis in later life is reduced, as is the risk of experiencing stress fractures. Interestingly, studies have shown that increased collagen consumption is particularly beneficial for post-menopausal women. Studies have shown that women who increase their collagen intake have an increased bone mineral density by 7%, compared to those who do not. Therefore, it is worth bearing in mind that collagen is hugely beneficial in promoting long-term health, rather than simply allowing you to feel stronger on a day-to-day basis.

It promotes good heart health

Collagen has been shown to reduce the likelihood of you developing heart conditions and can promote good heart health – an obvious reason why it has become increasingly popular! This is due to the fact that collagen can improve the structure of arteries which help oxygen flow from the heart around the body.

If you’re looking to up your intake of collagen in an easy and convenient way, I would recommend Warrior’s brand-new Collagen Peptides (RRP £10 for 180g container, available to buy from www.teamwarrior.com). Derived from the highest quality collagen, each serving contains an impressive 12 grams of collagen and just 43 calories, which are easily absorbed for maximum benefits.

Available in a convenient 180g container, this highly soluble powder is neutral in flavour and can be mixed with your favourite cold or hot drink, whether that be a morning coffee or smoothie without affecting taste or enjoyment. 

It aids connective tissue strength and organ function

Collagen has become increasingly popular as more research has been done into how it aids connective tissue strength and organ function. Collagen is instrumental in helping organs develop and is helpful in allowing wounds and tissues heal. For example, collagen has been shown to help speed up the healing process of gum, scalp and cornea injuries. This is because collagen causes an increase in fibroblasts, which can help with formation of connective tissue.

Written by Jess Hillard, Nutritionist from Leading Sports Nutrition Brand, Warrior