Traditional Marketing Benefits in a Digital World

The whole world has gone digital; digital payments, digital interactions, digital buying, and digital marketing. Seemingly it is inevitable that you have no choice but to go into the digital age and leave anything considered tradition behind. 

Well, there is a lot to be said about traditional marketing. While there is no denying that digital marketing has some very clear benefits, and it can often be more accessible for smaller businesses and start-ups, smart businesses know that a combination of digital and traditional, as well as utilizing company expansion solutions, is key. 

A great example of traditional marketing doing its thing is the recent release of the Barbie movie—a pink billboard with nothing more than a date on it. Not only is that a traditional method, but it was highly effective. Displaying that traditional marketing still has room for innovation and holds power. 

Digital marketing can be faster, sure, but there are some distinct benefits to traditional marketing that could really help you solidify your position. What is channel partner marketing? It is also a great way to help businesses promote and sell their products.

Proven success 

Long before an advert hit the internet, people saw adverts in digital signs, magazines, newspapers, flyers, and of course, direct mail. Every one of the traditional methods is tried and tested, and there are many huge billion-dollar companies that will take a spread out in a newspaper they know their audience reads. 

Why? Because it works. 

Digital adverts can be fine-tuned and go only to your audience, and while that is great, you’re unlikely to hit new people with it. Direct mail is still an effective method, and in fact, with fewer businesses investing in it, it is perhaps more effective than ever. 

And, if we keep in mind that not every audience is online or will surf or scroll enough to see adverts, traditional methods are more powerful. 

Offline Shift 

In the last couple of years, younger audiences hold a lot of power. They are changing the landscape of what people do and where they buy. Instead of spending a lot of time online, they are looking for experiences over material items. 

You can’t advertise to people who are actively shying away from digital channels. 

Traditional marketing strategies such as billboard marketing has a powerful position for those who aren’t online often; it presents the opportunity to advertise to them in exactly the way they would prefer. It is a slow and non-invasive marketing method. 

Easier To Remember 

As a quick exercise, can you remember the last flyer or advert you saw in hard copy? Now can you recall the last one you saw digitally? The issue with digital advertisement is that it is less memorable because there is just so much of it. Scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media platform will give you between 3-5 adverts at intervals. 

Traditional marketing, while there is some competition, it is less. And, since the person is holding it in their hand, they are more likely to read it and, more importantly, absorb the information. 

Read more about why that works here: Why do we remember more by reading in print vs. on a screen? – Big Think.


There is some conversation to be had about how much power it takes to create digital ads and the digital waste that we produce with continuous ad turnover; with traditional materials, the conversation is easier. 

Businesses have the opportunity to use recycled paper and paper that can be recycled again. If you are smart with your materials, you can create things that can be reused or kept longer term too. 


You know your audience well, and if they are 100% digital, that is great. But for others, their audiences fall into the category of those who aren’t tech-savvy, and while they might check out a product online, they are more likely to go to a store to buy it. 

Or, they may never use the internet and perhaps don’t even have a device that can access the internet.  

Traditional marketing materials can hugely support those customers who don’t have that type of access. And for those who do have some access and know-how, traditional materials can give them something to look at, and then they can further research online. 

Based on your audience, you can adjust where you put your marketing spend in terms of digital or traditional and use one to support the other. 


Local people are your local buyers. It might be a podcast that you have, a small photography business, pet walking, clothing, or anything else that you want. You can use the local language, directions, or anything that will resonate with your local audience. 

Local audiences are one of the best ways for you to create a community, and communities are the loyal buyers and supporters that can put your business firmly into the profits. 

When you start reaching out in your local area, you build a relationship with the people that is much more difficult through digital efforts. Potential customers will know that you are part of the fabric of their community – and that can be very powerful. 


The problem with digital advertisements is that some look awful and are from credible businesses; others look fantastic and are the face of a scam. And, with so many online scams and security warnings, it can be a tricky place to function if you’re not tech-savvy. 

Hard-copy traditional marketing materials appear to have been created with more effort since they are tangible items. Many people view traditional marketing materials as being the most trustworthy. 

Traditional media has a proven track record of working, and in some cases, it is reported to have a positive impact on profits of up to 30% in terms of revenue increase (McKinsey & Company). 

Use your audience demographics to see which types of marketing could be more beneficial, and run some A/B testing to settle on the right combination. Traditional marketing is powerful and comes in many forms. 

Perhaps you want to create a more robust digital presence; in that case, here is the post for you: Using a ‘Golden Circle’ Approach to Make the Most of Your Digital Marketing – Your Coffee Break

Charlotte Giver

Charlotte is the founder and editor-in-chief at Your Coffee Break magazine. She studied English Literature at Fairfield University in Connecticut whilst taking evening classes in journalism at MediaBistro in NYC. She then pursued a BA degree in Public Relations at Bournemouth University in the UK. With a background working in the PR industry in Los Angeles, Barcelona and London, Charlotte then moved on to launching Your Coffee Break from the YCB HQ in London’s Covent Garden and has been running the online magazine for the past 10 years. She is a mother, an avid reader, runner and puts a bit too much effort into perfecting her morning brew.