Top Tips for Standing Out to Employers After Graduation

Graduating from university is a significant achievement, but it’s just the beginning of your journey into the professional world. With an ever-competitive job market, standing out to potential employers becomes crucial. Here are some valuable tips to help you make a lasting impression and secure that coveted post-graduation job.

1. Craft a Standout CV and Cover Letter

Your curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter are often the first points of contact with potential employers. Ensure your CV is well-structured, highlighting key skills, relevant coursework, and any internship experiences. Tailor your cover letter for each application, demonstrating your understanding of the company and how your skills align with their needs. Make it clear why you are the perfect fit for the role.

2. Showcase Your Achievements and Extracurricular Activities

Careers in subjects such as science in places such as Sanger Institute are not only interested in your academic achievements but also in your ability to apply yourself beyond the classroom. Highlight any extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or leadership roles you’ve taken on during university. This not only demonstrates a well-rounded personality but also showcases skills such as teamwork, leadership, and time management.

3. Develop a Strong Online Presence

In the digital age, your online presence matters. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete and professional, showcasing your education, skills, and any relevant experiences. Consider creating a personal website or portfolio to showcase projects, coursework, and achievements. A well-curated online presence gives employers a more comprehensive view of your capabilities and interests.

4. Network Effectively

Networking is a powerful tool in the job search process. Attend industry events, career fairs, and networking sessions to connect with professionals in your field. Utilise online platforms like LinkedIn to join industry groups and engage in relevant discussions. Building a strong professional network not only provides insights into the job market but also increases your chances of being referred for opportunities.

5. Gain Practical Experience Through Internships and Work Placements

Internships and work placements offer invaluable practical experience and can set you apart from other candidates. Seek opportunities relevant to your field of study, as they provide real-world insights and allow you to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. Many companies use internships as a pipeline for hiring full-time employees, so make the most of these opportunities.

6. Develop Transferable Skills

While your degree provides specialised knowledge, employers also value transferable skills that can be applied across various roles. Develop skills such as communication, problem-solving, adaptability, and time management. These skills not only enhance your employability but also showcase your ability to contribute effectively to any work environment. They will also help you to more easily become part of a team and work well with others. It could also make you more likely to be considered in future roles once you’ve climbed the career ladder, such as senior positions. 

7. Stay Informed About Industry Trends

Demonstrate your passion for your chosen field by staying informed about the latest industry trends and developments. Subscribe to relevant publications, follow industry leaders on social media, and participate in online discussions. Showing that you are aware of current industry challenges and advancements indicates a genuine interest and commitment to your chosen profession.

8. Seek Feedback and Continuous Improvement

After job interviews or rejections, seek feedback from employers or career advisors. Use this feedback constructively to identify areas for improvement. Continuous self-reflection and improvement demonstrate a proactive attitude, resilience, and a commitment to personal and professional growth. Take constructive criticism well to show that you’re willing to learn and improve.

9. Develop a Strong Work Ethic

Employers value candidates who demonstrate a strong work ethic. Showcase your commitment to excellence, reliability, and a willingness to go the extra mile. Share examples from your academic or extracurricular experiences where you’ve shown dedication and determination to achieve goals. Arrive at interviews and meetings ahead of time and show that you’ve prepared for them through research and making notes. Consider sharing your thoughts on subjects to show that you’re invested in the company.

10. Prepare for Interviews and Assessment Centres

When invited for interviews or assessment centres, thorough preparation is key. Research the company, understand its values and culture, and anticipate common interview questions. Practice your responses, focusing on highlighting your skills and experiences relevant to the role. Additionally, be prepared for assessment centre activities, such as group exercises or case studies.


Successfully standing out to employers after graduating involves a strategic combination of showcasing your academic achievements, practical experiences, and personal attributes. Crafting a standout CV, maintaining a strong online presence, networking effectively, and continuously seeking ways to enhance your skills are all essential components of a successful post-graduation job search. By adopting a proactive and informed approach, you can navigate the competitive job market with confidence and increase your chances of securing a rewarding position in your chosen field.

Charlene Rhinehart

Charlene Rhinehart walked a non-traditional path as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and became a corporate pageant queen, career blogging professional, and world traveler who motivates millennials to create career success and a lifestyle they love through The Career Goddess Academy. She won the title of Ms. Corporate America 2015 in a national pageant held in Orlando, Fl and is available to share experiences about career mistakes, networking best practices as an introvert, interviewing, career advancement, certification motivation, diversity & inclusion practices, and women winning in the workplace. Charlene has written for The Huffington Post,,, Toastmasters International, Career Goddess Academy, and several other publications.