What are the Best Curtains for Your Home Office

With a rise in the number of people working from home offices, many of us have realised that it’s important to optimise our home working spaces. 

What started as a quick fix for many at the beginning of the pandemic, has now become a long-term solution, one that deserves care and attention. 

One important and often-overlooked aspect of a home office is the choice of curtains; here, we take a look at some important points to take into consideration when picking the best curtains. Whilst you are here, you may be interested in reading this brilliant guide on home office design ideas.

Insulation considerations

For a lot of people, the temperature of their working environment has a massive effect on how productive they can be. Too hot and you’ll feel sleepy; too cold and you won’t be able to stop shivering. In a lot of rooms, the weakest link in terms of thermal efficiency is the windows. 

One step you can take to remedy this is upgrading to double glazing, if you haven’t already. Another is getting thicker, insulated curtains. You can get specially insulated curtains with thermal-reflective panels, which will help to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Colour and pattern

You wouldn’t paint your walls in your home office a distracting colour, so why would you pay any less attention to the colour of your curtains? 

Choose a pattern and colour that you can look at day in day out without getting bored, distracted or tired of it. It’s also a good idea to go with a colour that matches the colour of your walls; if you’re in the middle of your home office renovation, consider waiting until you’ve painted the walls before you pull the trigger on buying your curtains of choice

Net curtains

If you want curtains to provide your home office with a little more privacy, or to stop you from getting distracted by things happening outside, it’s a good idea to go with net curtains from a reputable online store like Woodyatt Curtains

They’ll still let natural light in, while stopping people from looking in and stopping you from getting distracted by passing puppies and falling leaves. 

If you’re still concerned about the heat and the cold, you can have a double curtain rail; one with your net curtains for ambient days, and another with thicker, insulated curtains for when it gets too hot or too cold.

Caring for your curtains

While your curtains will eventually wear out and need replacing, you can delay this significantly by caring for them in an appropriate manner. First, make sure that you only touch them with clean hands. 

Pulling them back and forth with dirty hands will degrade the fabric faster than necessary, and mean that you end up needing to wash them at unnecessarily close intervals. Second, when they do need cleaning, take them to a dry cleaning service. 

This will generally do less damage to the fabric, in the long run, thereby saving you money and effort. However, if you decide to clean your blinds yourself, it is essential to know what you’re doing. We’d recommend taking a look at this helpful blog on ‘How to Clean Venetian Blinds’. It contains lots of helpful advice on everything from light cleaning to a thorough wash. If you’ve invested in high-quality blinds, ensuring that they’re properly maintained is the best way to keep them looking brand-new in the years to come. For more information, take a look at Reynolds Blinds. They’ll provide helpful information, answer any questions you may have and be able to provide you with the best blinds to suit your home. 

Sophia Anderson

Sophia Anderson is a blogger and a freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on money, business, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes in the driving force of positive attitude and constant development.