How to Boost Your Overall Productivity With These 6 Smart Tricks
If you are reading this article, it means that your productivity is not at good as you want it to be. Truth is, almost every one of us has a deeper unconscious need of being more productive.
In general, most of the people who seek for productivity advices are actually conscious about their desire to improve. If you’re falling into this category, congratulations, you’re one step closer to developing a more productive life.
In today’s article we’ll talk about few helpful strategies and tricks that will definitely improve your overall productivity. It’s critical that you read them carefully, though. What’s even more important is that you actually apply the tips you’ve learned immediately!
Let’s take a look at how you can do certain things in order to get more results:
1. Plan Your Upcoming Actions
It comes without saying, everyone needs a plan in order to reach a destination. We usually call them “to-do” lists, but they can hold any name you want. Some goals can only be reached if a proper planning and organisation is present.
Brian Tracy said it best: “Every minute you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in execution”. I believe that this quote is extremely true and relevant.
Planning can be done either at the end of the current day, or in the beginning of the next morning. It’s up to you how you want to do it.
But, organising your to-do list right before going to sleep can allow your subconscious mind to find ways to solve the next day’s tasks. This is really helpful!
2. Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Schedule
To be productive, you need to stay on track of what things need to be done. Staying on track is quite often hard, because unpredictable things happen every day.
Some events or changes will distract you from what you’ve previously planned. In order to avoid going off-track, schedule your time and plan your results accordingly.
Start by creating monthly goals, weekly goals, and daily targets. The purpose of this process is to create a strong reminder of what you have to do in order to stay productive.
Being really organised will give you a feeling of control, improve your self-esteem, and relieve most of the stress.
3. Wake Up Two Hours Earlier
Did you know that a big majority of successful people report waking up very early in the morning? There must be a reason for which this early morning routine is present in many successful people’s lives.
Being an early riser comes with a lot of benefits. Not only do you have more time to get things done, but you can also focus on the most important aspects of your life every morning of each day of your life.
Being a HR manager at Assignment Masters dissertation services taught me some valuable things. First of all, I never imagined how much work I actually could get done before normal people even start their day. Second, I created a morning routine which now sticks with me and makes me start my mornings with a productive mood.
4. Use Your “Happy Hours”
Everyone is different. We all have certain times in the day when we feel extremely productive and efficient. For some people, working during the night time gives them a huge boost. Some can’t even hold their eyes open and they’d rather work in the morning.
By now you should have already figured out which hours of the day give you advantage. Schedule your time in such a way that you leave those productive hours for the most important tasks.
5. Always Hold a Small Notebook
There are times when some brilliant ideas pop into our heads. Unfortunately, most of the times we choose to ignore or postpone our thoughts. We leave it for later, so we don’t have to deal with them in the present moment.
This is a total waste of potential. Instead of ignoring what you’re thinking, write down most of the important tasks and ideas you have. You can either note them down in a small notebook or you can choose to use your smartphone.
Eventually you’ll have a smaller to-do list that will keep you on track and save you a lot of time.
6. Do NOT Multitask
Multitasking is a much discussed topic nowadays, and for good reasons. There are a lot of rumours saying that multitasking can improve one’s overall productivity. After I performed a lot of research, I found out that this is rarely the case.
People aren’t robots. Their attention can only reach a limit point, and it’s best if they focus it on one thing at a time. Most of the successful people aren’t multitaskers. Instead, they delegate their work and focus on the most important things which only they can solve.
Productivity is really complex. It also has different definitions for every one of us, because we all have different personal standards. For me, earning $100k a year is productive, for some, earning $1M is not enough. It depends!
Using time management strategies, and using them effectively, can only boost your productivity and lead you to greater results and goal accomplishments.
By: Kate Simpson
Kate Simpson is a young and talented managing editor for Assignment Masters service. She strives to find and create projects where inspiration can be found from unusual sources, and has also recently been writing for the AM news column.