Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Spring is the best time to try deep cleaning and declutter in your home. With the warmer months on the way and fresh buds blossoming outdoors, it offers a great opportunity to spruce up your interiors and enjoy the longer days while removing deeply embedded dirt and grime, leaving your home feeling refreshed and revitalized for the season ahead. You may even wish to go one step further than cleaning and dusting, and work towards creating a more mindful home. Factors such as light, colour, fresh air and greenery can all work together in fostering a mindful, relaxing space. In any case, below are some tips and ideas to help get you started on a spring clean.

Start with the Easy Stuff

Rather than tackling everything at once, start with smaller jobs and break the tasks down where possible. If you begin in the kitchen, for example, start by clearing out and cleaning the cupboards. If you need more info, you can get in touch with experts and get their help for cleaning related services. Getting rid of old or unused items will free up space and give you the chance to clean into the corners of cupboards. Set out a schedule and time frame for completing each job. It may take a few weeks or weekends to get everything done, but planning it out will make things easier and more manageable over the long run.

Another tip for keeping things as simple as possible – if you have repairs to make on furniture or other household items, a suitable glue or adhesive such as Solvite can be incredibly handy. There are long-lasting, durable products available for materials such as wood, metal and ceramic. The right glue like the removable sticky glue can make any repair job super quick and easy. Other tips that can help you get the most out of a spring clean include the following:

  • Make a list of all the tasks required and work through them one by one. Decide whether you will do an entire clean of your home, or will just focus on a few key areas or rooms
  • Give away or donate anything you no longer need or use. This will free up space and while also helping to make your home feel lighter and calmer overall
  • Rearranging the furniture in a living room or bedroom can help give it a new lease of life
  • Household products such as bicarbonate of soda, salt and lemon juice make excellent (and natural!) cleaning products. Research how to use them for cleaning surfaces such as tile, ceramic, steel, wood and glass
  • Organise your storage areas such as cupboards and drawers. The use of dividers, baskets and boxes can be very helpful when it comes to organisation
  • For more ideas, check out spring cleaning tips online

Deep Clean

Once the rooms in your home are decluttered, it will be easier to give them a deep clean. If you have carpets, for example, it might be worth looking into hiring professional carpet cleaners who can steam clean them. Dan Dan The Carpet Man uses effective truck-mounted equipment to clean your carpets. An intensive clean with the help of a professional house cleaning company will give carpets a lift so they look like new.

Similarly for textiles such as cushions and curtains, a steam clean can completely freshen them up and make them look new again. If you are planning to redecorate or invest in some new home accessories in the early months of the year, have a look at spring colours for your home. Shades of soft pink, meadow green and pastels are perfect for adding a touch of lightness in the springtime. Natural materials like linen and cotton are light and airy, and excellent choices for the spring and summer months. Opt for bedding, curtains and throws in these fabrics and embrace the lightness of this time of year.

Lastly, after organising and cleaning your space, don’t forget to add a few finishing touches. Clean and open up the windows to let the fresh spring air in. Then fill a vase with fresh flowers and place in the centre of a coffee table or side table. And then sit back with a cup of coffee to relax and enjoy the feeling of springtime in the air.

Eve Crabtree

Eve Crabtree is a journalist with a passion for interior design. She keeps up to date with the latest trends in the interior industry and regularly tests her hand at crafting and redecorating during her spare time.