Stunning Design Features for an ‘Out of the Box’ Kitchen

One in 10 British people renovated their homes rather than find a new one, and 73% of homeowners have made improvements in the previous five years, according to a report by NAEA Propertymark. Another extensive report by Hiscox, meanwhile, found that the number one site for renovation are bathrooms, followed closely by kitchens.

The past decade has indeed seen a big boom worldwide when it comes to kitchen design. In the main, modern homeowners are seeking connect, open kitchen plans with central islands – which can serve as an addition table or indeed take the place of a traditional dining setting completely.

If you have already renovated your kitchen space but you’d like to add an extra touch, something unexpected and unlikely to be seen in a neighbourhood kitchen, why ride the wave of one of these hot trends?

Flooring with Pizazz

Kitchen flooring of the past centred on qualities like practicality, cleanability, and durability. Today, new materials have created endless possibilities when it comes to jazzing up your kitchen floors. One choice is to go Scandinavian, opting for ceramic tiles with a wood effect. If budget isn’t a problem, add underfloor heating to stay nice and warm in the winter. Those into a more glamorous look can opt for newfangled tiles that sparkle and glitter, yet are super sturdy and resistant to spills. 

Atlas ceramics defines quartz as an ideal material for this purpose, since its markings emit tiny rays of sparkle when hit by a beam of light. These floors shine under natural light and artificial lighting as well, adding a lively touch to an otherwise seriously sophisticated kitchen.

Pendant Lighting

Italian pendant lighting, hanging at different heights, lend grace and sophistication to any space, so why not bring it into your kitchen? Think of a gorgeous designer ‘vertical chandelier’ that extends from a high ceiling all the way down to a specific spot in your kitchen – such as a gourmet coffee corner.

If you are more into symmetrical looks, three pendant lights hanging over your central island can add artistry in many ways – either through your choice of shape or materials.

From simple crystal spheres to warm copper ‘bells’, pendant lights come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are nearly always a knockout feature to add to any room – including hallways, bedrooms, and why not? Even bathrooms!

Embracing Technology

If you have invested in features such as super high ceilings and concave roofs, then the technology in your kitchen should ideally match the rest of the design. Remote control extractors are key in this type of kitchen. Despite being extremely powerful, they are totally invisible when not in use, since they are on the same level as the rest of your central island. With the touch of a button, a powerful extractor ‘rises’ and brings any grease from cooking down to a replaceable filter. This certainly makes cleaning much easier!

You can also go high tech in your choice of appliances, opting for beauties like touchscreen fridges that allow you to see inside the fridge from outside, or create a shopping list and send it directly to your smartphone.

Walls that Speak

As is the case with flooring, kitchen wallpaper has also advanced in leaps and bounds. Metallic, geometric, and even floral wallpaper radiate personality and boast a sturdier composition that enables them to be cleaned of grease and food products. Modern wallpaper is also being made with 100% recyclable paper, which is great news for families that give sustainability due importance.

From metallic wallpaper to pendant lights, there is a wide gamut of design features that the trendiest kitchens are now wearing with style. These sturdier, sparklier, more artistic materials are upping the range of possibilities for design lovers who also love to spend plenty of their time preparing meals or enjoying food with family. Think creatively when planning your next renovation, including at least one feature that makes your kitchen feel like a magical, not just a practical place to be.

Eve Crabtree

Eve Crabtree is a journalist with a passion for interior design. She keeps up to date with the latest trends in the interior industry and regularly tests her hand at crafting and redecorating during her spare time.