5 Reasons You Should Take a Cruise for the Autumn Winter Months

As we sit firmly in the midst of the autumn months, the initial novelty of pumpkin season may be wearing off. The fresh crisp mornings are becoming just that little bit too cold, and the bronzed, brilliant leaves are beginning to fall. We will soon find ourselves amongst the long dark days of winter, and if this time of year hasn’t been prepared for, a feeling of dread can arise within us. But how does one avoid the dreariness of a UK winter? On a cruise ship, of course!

Here are 5 reasons why you should start planning now, and hop on a cruise ship during next year’s autumn/winter months.

1. Escape the UK’s Weather

The first reason may be stating the obvious, but a very valid point to make is that on a cruise ship, you can venture far away from the drizzly winds and wet conditions that welcome the UK during the winter months. Some cruise ships offer the possibility of escaping to the Canary Islands for Christmas, for example. In case you didn’t know, the average temperature there during December is 21 degrees celsius. That’s right, you can really return to work after the Christmas break with a suntan.

2. Avoid the crowds

The second reason to take a cruise during the autumn/winter months is that cruise ships are far less busy at this time of year. Most cruisers will choose the summer months to set sail. This is because it suits many families better with the school and university holidays underway. However, what this also means for you is that it’s likely your fellow passengers onboard during the autumn/winter months will be enjoying their time without screaming children. Not only are there less people on the cruise, but the atmosphere generally tends to be more mellow and sophisticated.

3. Take a break from the festive stress

The festive season is a unique one in that although it is often described as ‘the most wonderful time of year’, it can also be the most emotionally and financially draining. Although the thought of reconnecting with close family and friends is a pleasant one for many, the reality is that once every so often, it’s perfectly acceptable (and quite liberating) to skip this strenuous month of people-pleasing and socialising. What’s more, as you avoid all the annual meet-ups you usually have pencilled in, you are also freeing yourself from the burden of unnecessary gift-giving. No more cash forked out on overpriced candles and vouchers, and all the more for you to spend on your cruise!

4. Experience a unique New Years Eve

Continuing on from the guilty pleasure that is, skipping all of the social activities that come with the festive season, a cruise is also a prime opportunity to do something unique for New Years Eve. To put it bluntly, New Years Eve tends to be a let down for many. On the surface level, it should be a fabulous night out. Sparkly ensembles, a vibrant atmosphere, marking the beginning of a new year. However, the reality is crowds, expenses, and most likely, the local pub. Now imagine yourself raising a glass to the new year in one of the most breathtaking locations in the world, under the stars in the middle of the ocean. We know what one we’d choose too.

5. Experience the magic of the festive season abroad

Finally, we have reached the last of our reasons why you should take a cruise during the autumn/winter months. The fact of the matter is that cruise ships offer the unique opportunity to experience the festive season in multiple locations. It broadens the mind and exposes you to new cultures, cuisines, and of course, Christmas markets! With many special cruises stopping off in cities such as Hamburg, Paris, and Brugge, you can taste the German beer, try French snails and indulge in Belgian chocolate all in the one holiday. A real-life experience of heaven.

So why not do things differently this year? Escape the burden of the cold, festive months. Jump on a cruise ship and allow it to whisk you away from the UK’s cold, wet winters!

Charlotte Giver

Charlotte is the founder and editor-in-chief at Your Coffee Break magazine. She studied English Literature at Fairfield University in Connecticut whilst taking evening classes in journalism at MediaBistro in NYC. She then pursued a BA degree in Public Relations at Bournemouth University in the UK. With a background working in the PR industry in Los Angeles, Barcelona and London, Charlotte then moved on to launching Your Coffee Break from the YCB HQ in London’s Covent Garden and has been running the online magazine for the past 10 years. She is a mother, an avid reader, runner and puts a bit too much effort into perfecting her morning brew.