The Best People to Follow if You Want to Improve Your Gambling

According to research conducted by the Gambling Commission, almost half of the population of Britain gambles, with 17 percent of people opting to play online. The rise in internet providers, combined with ever more competitive offers, means that the pastime is now more accessible than ever – and Brits are taking full advantage. 

In fact, it’s highly likely that you’re among their numbers and, if you are, we’d hazard a guess that some good advice wouldn’t go amiss. With plenty to play for, most of us want to improve our strategies, and one of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is by learning from the experts. 

Luckily, this desire for information and education is one that the gambling community has recognised and catered to, with lots of handy blogs such as Daftar Slot88 Online, and a bucket load of websites out there to help you. Here are three of the best people to follow for those hoping to improve their play!    

Michael Shackleford

Known as the Wizard of Odds, mathematician Michael Shackleford has been studying casino games since 1995. Adjunct Professor of Casino Math at the University of Nevada, he has his very own website, inspired by said nickname, which combines a wealth of knowledge from the worlds of both academia and the casino industry. Using a variety of statistical data and technical descriptions, he makes even the most complex topics simple, so that ordinary players can improve their odds and refine their play.  

Fedor Holz

A millionaire at the tender age of 20, Fedor Holz was crowned champion of the World Series of Poker tournament back in 2014, when he walked away with $1.3 million, and he’s been sharing his insights with amateur gamblers ever since. Using online poker to refine his skillset, he’s competed at major poker venues all around the world, proving himself a truly formidable talent. Luckily for those less blessed with his innate gambling nous, he’s happy to teach us how it’s done, with his website showcasing lots of handy styles and strategies to help improve success rates.

John Grochowski

Whether you prefer to play casino online or gamble at your local, there are lots of places where you can find help and advice, from sites like Betfair, which are filled with useful guides and resources, to YouTube tutorials that explain the intricacies of each game in depth. If you want to consult an expert, however, you need look no further than John Grochowski. Former gambling columnist at the Chicago Sun Times, he was the literary godfather of an entire generation of gamblers, sharing strategy and explaining that the outcome of games is not always entirely down to luck. Today, he continues to propagate his insights, with many handy articles to help players out and podcasts available for those who prefer a more auditory learning experience.   

When it comes to the world of online gambling, there are more people in the UK playing than ever before. Why not follow these experts to learn how you could become one of the many winners that are out there?

Sophia Anderson

Sophia Anderson is a blogger and a freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on money, business, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes in the driving force of positive attitude and constant development.