Alternative Therapies for Those Living with Arthritis in Their Hands & Feet

Contrary to popular belief, arthritis can afflict anyone of any age or background. It can also vary dramatically, from the odd twinge in a single toe to serious and long-term pain, including physical and emotional distress.

Having been diagnosed with arthritis in the hands and/or feet, it is likely that, prior to official confirmation, you would have found your own ways and means of dealing with the issues caused by stiff, tingly, and inflexible extremities. 

Aside from the standard treatment options suggested and administered by your GP, you may also want to look into one or more of the following alternative therapies. 

Weight Management 

First and foremost, although not strictly a therapy and more a way of life that you should strive to carry on throughout the rest of your life, and indeed, whether or not you have arthritis or not, weight management is one of the best practices to help protect and strengthen your body. 

Simple, yet effective tips to help manage your weight, help you lose weight should your BMI be over the recommended range, and achieve a healthy body mass, include the following, to name but a few:

• Keeping a diary to track calories and components of each meal

• Limiting processed foods

• Reducing your alcohol intake 

• Choosing low-fat versions of dairy products such as cheese and yogurt

Medical Cannabis

Certainly, for older people and, indeed, those who have always considered any kind of drug to be too risky even to consider taking, whether for medical purposes or not, the very thought of medical cannabis could be an unwelcome one.

However, one of the main groups of people who report a subdued symptom level due to the professional administering a medical cannabis treatment plan from the best cannabis clinic in the country are those who have arthritis. Medical cannabis card availing guidelines can be found at The professional weed doctor can issue the medical marijuana card. They will assess you based on your needs. Alternatively, you can also try using mushroom products that can be bought in a reputable online store at Magic Mushroom Dispensery.

Should you suspect you are living with arthritis but have not yet been officially diagnosed, the key symptoms of the disease are:

• Stiffness & lack of movement

• Redness & Swelling 

• Sleep is affected by aching and throbbing

• Pain and discomfort in one or more of your extremities 

Regular Exercise 

How much exercise people feel they are capable might change by the day depending on their symptoms. Even though a good diet and regular daily exercise seem to be the answer to most health concerns and issues, the truth is that the more active you are and the more fruit and vegetables you consume, the healthier, happier, and more energized you will be.

For people with arthritis in their hands and feet, exercise is also important to ensure your joints remain as flexible as possible, that the muscles around your joints are strengthened,and that your weight stays within a reasonable range. 

Low-impact exercises are the best option for people living with arthritis, such as cycling, walking, and activities in the water, such as swimming and aqua aerobics, are all also fantastic ways of meeting others who are living with arthritis and forming new and exciting friendships at the same time. 

Rachel Bartee

Rachel Bartee is a blogger and freelance writer dreaming of a tour round the world to write a story of her greatest life adventure. For the time being, she feels inspired by her daily yoga sessions and studies Interpersonal Relationships.