How to Stop Nail Biting

If you bite your nails, it’s time to stop. You don’t have to do so on your own—there are plenty of ways that others can help you stop this behavior. Here are some tips on how to stop nail biting:

Why You Bite Your Nails

Nail biting is a bad habit that can become an addiction. Many people bite their nails because they feel anxious or stressed, but the habit can be hard to break.

For people with veneers, nail biting can cause the veneers to break or chip, and this can be very costly.

If you don’t want to get into the habit of biting your nails any more, there are some things that you can do.

Signs that You Need to Stop Nail Biting

Here are some signs that should make you think about getting help:

  • Your nails are torn, ragged and discolored
  • You have rough nail beds
  • Your nails are either too thick, too thin, or too brittle
  • Your nails have infections or cuts on them
  • You’re experiencing pain when your nails are touched
  • Your teeth are becoming damaged
  • You’re feeling embarrassed or ashamed about your nails

Tips on How to Stop Nail Biting

Trying to stop nail biting isn’t easy for a chronic nail biter, but it’s important to try. If you’re ready to stop biting your nails, here are some things that you can do:

Identify Your Triggers

The first step is to try and identify what makes you bite your nails. Once you know your triggers, you can try and avoid them or find other ways to deal with them.

Some common triggers include:

  • Anxiety
  • Boredom
  • Stress
  • Nervousness
  • Hunger
  • Frustration
  • Anger
  • Habit

Get a Manicure

Getting your nails done professionally can help you to stop biting your nails. This is because, with regular manicures, you will be less likely to bite your beautiful nails.

You can also make sure that you keep your nails trimmed. Keeping your nails short will make it harder for you to bite them. You can also try painting your nails with bitter-tasting nail polish to deter you from biting them.

Find a Stress Relief Activity

One of the main causes of nail biting is stress. If you can find a way to relieve your stress, you will be less likely to bite your nails.

There are many different stress relief activities that you can do. Some people report that exercise helps to relieve stress. Others find that meditation, yoga, or squeezing a stress ball helps them to relax.

Distract Yourself

Try to distract yourself whenever you feel the urge to bite your nails. Keep your hands busy. This can be anything from chewing gum to playing with fidget toys.

Talk to Someone

If you’re finding it hard to stop biting your nails on your own, it may be helpful to talk to someone about it. This could be a friend, family member, or therapist. They will be able to offer you support and advice on how to stop biting your nails.

Wear Gloves

Wearing gloves will make it more difficult for you to bite your nails.

You can also try putting Band-Aids on your nails. This will make it harder for you to bite them and remind you not to bite your nails.

Cover Your Nails with Band-Aids or Tape

If you can’t stop biting your nails, you can try to cover them with band-aids or tape. This will make it harder for you to bite your nails and help protect your nails from further damage.

Seek Professional Help

If you can’t seem to stop biting your nails on your own, it may be time to seek professional help. A therapist can help you identify your triggers and find other ways to deal with them.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective in treating nail biting. This therapy can help you change how you think about and cope with your triggers.

Pharmacological Treatments

Some pharmacological treatments may be effective in treating nail biting. These include:

  • Anti-anxiety medication: This can help if anxiety triggers your nail biting.
  • Naltrexone: This medication is typically used to treat addiction but may also be effective in treating nail biting.
  • SSRIs: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a type of antidepressant that can help if you’re biting your nails due to depression or anxiety.


We hope this article has helped you understand the causes of your nail biting and given some valuable tips on how to stop it.

The best way to maintain healthy nails is by practicing good habits and focusing on your overall health.

Remember that nail biting can be a symptom of a mental health problem such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder—if you think it’s affecting your life negatively, talk with a doctor about getting treatment for these issues!

Rachel Bartee

Rachel Bartee is a blogger and freelance writer dreaming of a tour round the world to write a story of her greatest life adventure. For the time being, she feels inspired by her daily yoga sessions and studies Interpersonal Relationships.