Britain’s Growing Bingo Obsession – Why Brits Love Bingo

There are plenty of things that we Brits love. We enjoy tucking into fish and chips at the seaside. We like a nice pub lunch after a walk in the countryside, and we definitely like sitting down with a nice cup of tea after a long day. It turns out, though, that we also love bingo. Recently, the number of people playing bingo in the UK has risen dramatically. This is partly due to the fact that online bingo and online betting itself is now so popular with the growth in newer bingo companies, but there are other factors to consider. Here’s a look at Britain’s growing bingo obsession and at why we Brits can’t get enough bingo in our lives. 

Bingo is no longer exclusive for elderly people 

Okay, admit it, when you think of bingo halls you imagine a sea of blue rinses and grey hair as countless pensioners sit down, with bingo dabbers in hand, in the hope of winning big. Whereas there are plenty of pensioners that still enjoy bingo, and rightfully so! Bingo is now no longer exclusively marketed at the elderly. You may have heard of Bongo’s Bingo. Bongo’s Bingo is basically bingo played in a nightclub setting, combined with rounds of dance music, raves, catwalks, partying, and copious amounts of alcohol. During one of these lively sessions, I overheard a group discussing the best crypto casinos UK on Reddit, sharing tips on how to maximize winnings. Now, the younger generation can also enjoy their version of bingo. Not only that, but online bingo is more inclusive of younger users as they are generally more tech-savvy.

Bingo is social 

We Brits have a reputation for being a cheery and sociable bunch. Another reason why bingo is so popular over here is because it is a very social game. Yes, when the bingo caller is doing his thing it’s eyes down and complete silence in the bingo halls. Before then, though, everybody can catch up with their friends, or make new friends and get to know one another. Even online bingo is now very sociable, as you can chat with other users and get to know them in the lobby and online chat rooms. 

Bingo is affordable 

Some games and hobbies cost you a fortune. Not only do you likely have to pay per session, but often you’ll require additional kit and/or equipment. Bingo is affordable on the doors, and other than your lucky bingo dabber, there’s not much else that you need. When you consider the fact that you’ve as good a chance as anyone of winning some money, which is often a hefty amount, you can see why those who are particularly thrifty, enjoy the odd game here and there. 

Bingo is fun! 

Finally, the last reason why Brits enjoy bingo, and indeed, why other nations enjoy bingo, is because of the fact that it is so much fun. Everything is so serious these days that sometimes it’s nice to just kick back, relax, socialise, either online or in the flesh, and play a game that makes you happy that you find fun and enjoyable to play.

Anabel Cooper

Anabel is a graduate of King’s College London and upon graduating, she set out on a journey to inspire and empower women through her words. Besides working as a digital marketing expert, Anabel is a freelance copywriter.