Adapting Your Lifestyle: Sustainable Changes in the Face of a Changing Climate

There’s no doubt that the climate is changing and needs our help. While people put a lot of pressure on companies and the government to solve the problem, you may be surprised at how many little things you can do around the house and during your daily routine to make a difference and help the climate. If you start some of these tricks, friends and neighbours may do the same, and you’ll help make the world a better place.

Update Your Home

Part of adapting your lifestyle should be modifying your home to be as environmentally friendly as possible, especially in climates with extreme weather where hot summers and cold winters typically require you to crank up the heat or air conditioning. It’s important to be safe and comfortable during these harsh seasons, but if you have cracks alongside your windows or doors, you’re creating additional problems. 

If your house isn’t properly sealed then you’re allowing the extreme temperatures to infiltrate the interior. Plus, you’re letting your heat and air conditioning leak from the windows and doors. That’s why you have to keep your heating and AC systems on longer to heat and cool the home. The process wastes a lot of energy. If you live in a place with extreme weather, take the time to seal your windows with caulk or replace them altogether. Old doors may also have cracks, and the draft can come out around the perimeter. You may be able to feel the draft, and if you do, have the door sealed or replaced.

In preparation for the colder and rainy seasons, contact a contractor to ensure you have enough insulation in your walls and check the roof for cracks and leaks. While you’re up there, consider installing solar panels on your home with the assistance of a reliable solar energy company. Solar technology has evolved dramatically over the years and the clean power from the sun is abundant, so you’ll always have what you need and pay less for utilities. 

Reduce Waste Inside And Outside Of Your Home

There are many ways that you can reduce waste around the house as you go throughout your day. Simple things, like composting your food and repurposing old clothes, can change the world. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

For instance, when purchasing a new toothbrush, opt for one made out of bamboo because when it’s time to dispose of it, you can add it to the compost pile, and it won’t lie in a landfill for years. When you decide to order dinner, you can research potential restaurants and find one dedicated to using sustainable packaging and recyclable containers so you can enjoy your meal and not pollute the planet afterwards.

You can eliminate water waste in numerous ways, including turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth and taking quick showers. There are also other inventive ways to conserve water at home. Wait to run the dishwasher until it’s full, reuse the water you use while cooking dinner, and install a high-efficiency toilet. 

Also, change how you think about produce. First, when you go to the grocery store, don’t shy away from the funny-looking produce, like carrots that are twisted around or celery that comes in unique shapes. They taste just as good as traditional vegetables, and you’ll show your kids that not everything good comes in a perfect package. Plus, if customers don’t buy that produce, it usually gets thrown away, so you can help to eliminate that possibility. 

Growing a garden is a way to eliminate the pollution you’d create while driving to the store to purchase produce. While planning a garden is good, creating a climate resilience garden is even better because it helps the planet while supplying your family with good food. To make this resilience garden as healthy as possible, avoid using chemicals that will leak into the soil. Also, combine native plants and perennials to help foster a healthy, sustainable ecosystem where everyone benefits.

Think About How You Work

Finally, consider how and where you work and the changes you can make to live a more sustainable lifestyle. If you work from home, take advantage of your surroundings to cut down on utilities. Work in a room with windows and set up your desk so you can see your tasks without turning on a light. Avoid distractions while you work, like having the TV on all day or plugging in a stereo, which will also reduce your energy usage.

If you work at an office outside of the home, you can start your sustainable journey by carpooling with other employees. Fewer cars on the road mean less pollution overall. Plus, many people drive larger vehicles that produce a lot of pollution. If several employees go together, it can offset the pollution that would be created if everyone drove their own. This is all in addition to the fact that carpooling saves you money on gas and is a great way to make new friends at work.

While you’re on the job, you can encourage your coworkers to go green by placing plants on and around your desk to purify the air. They’ll appreciate the fresh air and may bring their own. You could also consider starting a recycling program and providing a place for people to dispose of their lunch plates and silverware properly.

Lead by example, and you could get others to follow your lead and create a better tomorrow.

Indiana Lee

Indiana Lee lives in the Northwest and has a passion for the environment and wellness. She draws her inspiration from nature and makes sure to explore the outdoors on a regular basis. Indiana loves experiencing new things and sharing with others what she learns through her writing. You can chat with Indiana on twitter @IndianaLee3