7 out of 10 Millennials Consider Themselves a ‘Plant Parent’: Here’s How to Get it Right

There’s no getting away from the ‘houseplant trend’ anytime soon as WSGN predicted we’ve entered the ‘Planthroposcene Era’ last year, as people grew more intrigued by the relationship between humans and plants, and it seems we are still firmly in it!

So, considering that 7 out of 10 millennials consider themselves as ‘plant parents’, it’s only right to make sure we’re as clued as possible when it comes to caring for our houseplants and don’t let them wilt under our supervision.

To embrace the Planthroposcene Era, experts at Safestyle are here to tell you how to ensure your houseplants thrive in your home and where you might be going wrong:

Which are the best houseplants to grow?

Adam Pawson, Marketing Director at the UK’s leading door and window provider, Safestyle comments: “You’ll want to bear in mind that most of the houseplants you invest your efforts in will have more chances of surviving where there’s maximal sunlight exposure, making your window sill the perfect spot.

“The most practical window sill plants include succulents, cacti, venus fly traps, and monstera obliqua. As these particular plants are ideal for heavy heat and sunlight, this makes them perfect for people who find it difficult to care for their plants. In fact, most professionals agree that you should only water your cacti and succulents once a week during the hotter months, and only every 4-6 weeks in the colder months, leaving not much to go wrong.”

Consider the direction your home faces

“East and west-facing windows are generally accepted as the second-best locations for your plants, however, their growth will be seriously stunted without the help of a south-facing window. South-facing windows are best suited for plants that can withstand luminous conditions, such as the succulents and cacti previously discussed. 

“If you don’t have access to a south-facing window or are looking to branch out, consider a steamy bathroom window sill that provides the perfect conditions for a monstera or a cheese plant.”

The three key considerations 

  1. Choose the right pot

“First of all, you should find a suitable container to grow your plants in; whatever works best for the space you have should do, but make sure it has drainage holes at the bottom. Watch out for telltale signs that you need to re-pot your plant – often roots growing out of the drainage holes or pushing the plant up and out of the planter indicate you need to choose a bigger planter. 

  1. Optimise sunlight

“Next, consider a window sill that is reasonably warm and receives a good amount of sunlight; your plant, on average, should receive about 5 hours of light a day. Plants are much more likely to die in cold environments, anything below 15 degrees celsius is considered too cold for your houseplant. If your plant is wilting or displaying split stems or bark it may be needing a temperature increase.”

  1. Watering routine

“Once your plant is set up in the right place, think about the maintenance your specific plant may need. Whilst some plants may need watering every few days, others will struggle if overwatered! 

“In fact, the leading cause of death in houseplants is overwatering due to the common misconception that you should be watering your plants whenever you get a spare minute. If your plant is wilting or its leaves are turning brown, this could be a sign that you’re overwatering it.”

How can window condensation affect houseplants?

“Unbeknownst to many, your houseplants can actually help to control the humidity levels in your home. Humidity absorbing houseplants serve a dual purpose as they harvest the moisture they need from the air and bring the outdoors in. Since high moisture in the home can cause severe condensation issues, often causing mould and dampness amongst a multitude of other issues, house plants are a perfect counter solution.

“In addition to houseplants, consider choosing a casement window to help with issues of condensation and dampness; attached by their hinges at the side, they open easily and effectively which helps with ventilation issues.”

For more information on how to care for your houseplants and ensure condensation and dampness isn’t becoming an issue, visit: https://www.safestyle-windows.co.uk/news/best-houseplants-for-windowsills/ 

Anabel Cooper

Anabel is a graduate of King’s College London and upon graduating, she set out on a journey to inspire and empower women through her words. Besides working as a digital marketing expert, Anabel is a freelance copywriter.