Six Reasons Why You Need to Learn to Drive

Learning to drive at any age can be a great choice. Whether you have just turned 17 and want to get your licence as soon as possible, or you think you might need to learn to drive to make your life easier. Now is the perfect time to learn. Here are six reasons you’ll benefit significantly from learning to drive.

1. Freedom!

There is no doubt that learning to drive is a great way to gain your freedom. With your own car you can travel wherever you want without a timetable or being beholden to anyone else. Many drivers agree, there is something about the feeling of driving that provides a real feeling of freedom and clarity.

Getting behind the wheel and taking control is something that it is worth you experiencing, even if you don’t have a specific need to drive.

2. Becoming independent

If you can’t drive, getting anywhere that’s not in walking distance means that you are relying on other people. It could be reliance on a parent, sibling, friend, or partner, or reliance on public transport. Gaining your independence through driving is a fantastic experience and can be something of a rite of passage.

3. Travelling flexibility

If you are interested in going travelling and seeing the world, you might not be thinking too much about how you are going to get around when you are there. But actually, it is the case that it can be very beneficial to be able to drive.

Many parts of the world – even first world countries – don’t have strong public transport systems. Having a full UK driving licence means that you can drive legally almost anywhere in the word, so all you need to do is hire a vehicle.

4. Good for your job

You might think that if you don’t currently need a car in order to do your job, you can continue to rely on public transport or walking. However, things can change, and you may find yourself in a situation where you will need your own form of transportation if you want to take your career to the next level.

You don’t need to immediately start using your car to get to work just because you can, but you may find that having a vehicle actually opens up a wider variety of opportunities than you knew about. Just having that option there means that you can consider things that were not possible in the past.

5. Further employment opportunities

It may even be the case that learning to drive provides a completely new range of roles and career paths that you can consider. Whether you are considering work as a taxi or Uber driver, or even if you think you might be suited to helping others learn to pass their test, you’ll need to get your full license first. All it takes is some studying to pass the written exam (visit here to learn more) and good practice to pass the a road test

In many cases you will need to have a standard driving licence in order to take further training in order to drive HGVs, buses, ambulances and more. Even if you don’t actually need the licence, having a good understanding of the road and how to use a vehicle will be an enormous advantage during your training.

6. A lifelong skill

Even if you aren’t completely sure that learning to drive is going to be beneficial right now, it is important to remember that driving is a lifelong skill. There may come a time when you realise that you actually need to be able to drive in order to take your dream job, or because you want to move somewhere with less in the way of public transport.

In this case it can be fantastic to already have the ability to drive in your arsenal rather than having to go through the task of learning to drive in a much shorter time in order to be able to do whatever it is that you want to do. For those considering obtaining a driver’s license and seeking helpful tips, you can go to to find valuable information on the process.

Final thoughts

It might be the case that you aren’t sure whether driving is the right choice for you. Ultimately, if you have the time and the motivation now, this can be a brilliant thing to get out of the way. It is a good skill to have in case you need it in the future, and it can open up a lot of possibilities to you immediately. 

Mike James

Mike James has over a decade of experience in business and cybersecurity. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with other like-minded professionals through his writing. Find out what he's been up to on his Twitter: @MJArtemis