How to Deal With Depression in Your Late 20s

Stepping into your twenties is exciting for many reasons. You’re finally an adult, you get to do what you want, go out and see the world, meet new people, and have all these amazing adventures. Still, there’s this sense of anxiety and uncertainty that goes along with the age. Who are you? What are you doing here? Yes, you’re finally an adult, but what does that mean now? Are you doing things right? These are all valid questions that haunt almost each and every one of us, especially when we see how close our thirties are. Though this crisis may pass for some, for others it’s a path to depression. You can’t ignore the signs; you have to act on time.

1. Set long-term goals

One of the most common things that can get us depressed in our late 20s is not fulfilling the goals we set for ourselves. If you said you would become something great by the time you reached 30, and you’re not near that goal yet, it can make you feel like you’re running out of time. What you have to realize is that you’re putting this ridiculous pressure on yourself. No one said you needed to reach greatness and have a lot of money by the time you turned 30 but you. In fact, these kinds of goals are virtually impossible to complete.

As well as that, they can lead to short-term behaviour. So, if you’re trying to make a lot of money or earn a big promotion and catch your big break, you’re likely to take shortcuts just to reach your goal. This way, you don’t have any fundamental basis for good behaviour and habits. Once you reach your goal, you can feel lost as to what you’re supposed to do now. This is why elaborate long-term goals are better. They allow you to work on yourself, figure out life, and still have what you want in the end.

2. Realize it’s okay to be tired

Pushing yourself to be productive all the time will just bring you a world of misery. You can’t expect yourself to shine 24/7. Your body and mind need to rest in order to stay as productive and efficient as you wish. This means that there’s no reason to guilt trip yourself when you’re just enjoying an outing with friends, catching up with your favourite Netflix show or just having a nap. It’s okay to enjoy the little things and not feel like you’re wasting time.

In fact, it’s very healthy. The path to healing crosses with resting very often. Make sure to have at least one afternoon during the week when you can just be you and let your hair down.

3. Seek professional help

Depression is a serious illness which should be treated as such. In other words, you need professional help. Learning how to cope with the help of a therapist or specialized place like Behaviour Zen can be a lifesaver. Sometimes it’s easier for other people to recognize our depressive behaviour and give us new ways to handle it than for us. This is especially true when it comes to trained professionals.

A mental health professional, whether a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counsellor, will understand completely how you feel and be able to help you heal and overcome your depression. You’re not the first or last person to come to them for help, which means they have enough experience to handle your depression smoothly. This also gives you a sense of security and comfort, both necessary for the journey of healing ahead.

4. Cut out negative people

Just because you’ve been friends with someone for a long time doesn’t mean they’re good for you. Your late 20s are the time when you most often recognize toxic behaviour in people. There’s absolutely no need to hang out with someone that makes you feel bad. Usually, we’ve known these people a while and they’re familiar and dear to us. This is the main reason we have trouble accepting that they’re hindering our mental health.

The toxic and negative people in your life will just continue pushing you down the path of depression. You’re old enough to realize that your mental health comes first and that nobody should stand between you and your happiness. It might be hard to cut contact with someone in the beginning, but once their aura of negativity is removed and you can breathe again, it’ll be worth it.


Depression might be scary, but it’s not unbeatable. No matter how tough it gets, you have to remember that there was a life before and that there will be a life after it. Just because things seem bad now doesn’t mean they’ll always stay that way. With the right help, you’ll soon be on your way to recovery and living a healthy life. Being in your late 20s doesn’t mean your life is slowly ending, it means it’s just beginning.

Stella Ryne

Stella Ryne is an art historian, traveller, conscious consumer and a proud mother. When she is not trying to improve the things around her (and herself, for that matter), she likes to lose herself in a good book. She’s deeply into green practices, cherishing the notion that sustainable living and sustainable travel will not only make us far less dependent on others regarding the dwellings we inhabit and what we eat, but also contribute to our planet being a better place to live on. Stay in touch with Stella via Twitter @RyneStella