Getting Your Vintage Wardrobe Ready for The Summer ’60s

With limited options to try out in the fashion market, men mostly tend to get confused about choosing what to wear. It doesn’t come as a surprise if you’re going through something similar and would like to try out something from the golden age of the ’60s. Summer’s around the corner, and the urge to get dressed in vintage wear is understandable.

So, let’s jump into everything you need to know about Getting Your Vintage Wardrobe Ready for The Summer ’60s!

While the fashion world is full of eye candy, it gets tricky for men. It’s a fact that women’s fashion is less complicated and arguably easier to navigate than men. Hence, we have created a list and collection of vintage clothing for men to help make things easier for you.

The Sporty

When we talk about 60’s fashion for men, it was mostly about being young, free and rebellious. That’s why almost every piece of clothing was worn a little tighter with a dab of contrasting colours. Unbuttoned floral print shirts and sports coats with bold colours. Polo shirts and trousers typically worn for tennis became casual sportswear.

So, it’s fine to say that in the case of men, many fashion trends have stayed relevant throughout the years. The trend has remained the same over decades. Hence, one wouldn’t have to do a lot of antique hunting from the trunk to set up a 60’s summer wardrobe. 

Biker wear has honestly not changed too much over the last seven decades. A windcheater and denim jacket are two items that have withstood the test of time and are an essential piece of any bikers wardrobe. So, you can essentially save a few extra bucks here as you don’t have to go on a wild hunt to get the desired look.

The casual

Let’s talk about casual wear! Check prints have always been in demand, whether in the ’60s or today. Checked shirts and sportcoats have been a popular choice since back in the day. If you don’t already have some in your wardrobe, they’ll be easy to find. 

Polo shirts and solid or patterned trousers with a belt were common for the weekends – again, these items are still very trendy today and easily found in stores and online.

The tile print is another pattern you’d want to include in your summer wardrobe. It usually comes back into rotation around May and is a stylish holiday piece.

Camp and button-down shirts were another favourite choice for men in the summer. If you already own one of these shirts, then your vintage collection is already coming together nicely. 

The formal

While formal wear continued to be bland and dull, suits and trousers were not very well fit. However, people started experimenting with narrowed fittings towards a little later part of the ’60s. Then men began experimenting with non-matching suits and trousers. Even though they didn’t match, they were kept in the same colour family. 

The 60’s vibe for menswear revolved around the same outfits in a more or less similar fashion, in every genre. So, it’s just a little twisting and mixing of outfits that you need to do with your present outfits to achieve your goal. 

Accessories – Add-on to your Vintage Wardrobe

There are a few accessories that could add to your 60’s vintage wardrobe and would be easily accessible at your nearest store. 

  • Suspenders: Not very difficult to find, suspenders are something that would give a vintage touch to your regular trousers and shirt without really adding loads to the wardrobe or making a hole in the pocket. 
  • Neck scarves: Neck scarves can function in two ways and present a very gentle look. When not worn on the neck, they can be used as pocket cloth and are readily available. A not so expensive piece of clothing that can be added to your vintage look. Neck scarves are a must-have!
  • Bows: Replacing ties with this accessory piece can level up your look. This small beautiful looking piece of accessory, when paired with suspenders, is a must-have if you plan to set up a vintage wardrobe this summer. 

So, with that, we sum up our list of outfits and accessories for getting Your Vintage Wardrobe Ready for The Summer ’60s! Most of the items mentioned in the blog can be found inside your pre-existing wardrobe, your nearest stores and online! If you feel like you’re lacking out on something, you can always check out our collection of vintage clothing for men. Not only will you find whatever’s been missing, but you also find some fantastic outfit options and ideas.

Anabel Cooper

Anabel is a graduate of King’s College London and upon graduating, she set out on a journey to inspire and empower women through her words. Besides working as a digital marketing expert, Anabel is a freelance copywriter.