Expert Shares How to Fix 4 Easily Made AI Mistakes in Content Marketing

Let’s face it, everyone is looking to get ahead in the cutthroat world of content marketing, and AI seems like either a sinking ship or the golden ticket, right? 

This month alone there has been a 92% increase in Google searches for the term “AI and SEO”, which leads us to understand that people are still trying to wrap their heads around the popular topic. 

To help content marketers embrace AI and avoid common mistakes, we reached out to Jade Pruett, content marketing expert and founder of HelloSEO, who shares some easy-to-make mistakes that could be sinking their SEO game.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying abreast of trends is paramount, and social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook play a pivotal role in shaping brand visibility and engagement.

With the surge in AI-related inquiries, it’s easy to overlook the nuances of leveraging social media effectively. However, savvy marketers understand that integrating Twitter or Facebook trends seamlessly into their strategies can yield substantial returns. As businesses vie for attention amidst the digital cacophony, mastering the art of leveraging these platforms’ algorithms and features can be the differentiator between obscurity and prominence.

As the demand for real-time engagement intensifies, social media marketing automation emerges as a crucial tool in marketers’ arsenals. By harnessing the power of automation platforms like Scrollmark, businesses can ensure timely and targeted content delivery while maintaining a consistent brand presence across various channels. From scheduling posts to analyzing performance metrics, automation streamlines processes and frees up valuable time for marketers to focus on crafting compelling content and fostering meaningful interactions with their audience.

Relying on AI Without Humanising it

AI’s a game-changer, no doubt, but whoa there—let’s not turn it into a content factory running on autopilot. Remember, quality trumps quantity every time, especially in SEO. Google’s algorithms are super savvy at picking out rich, engaging content. Sure, use AI to generate rough drafts or to suggest blog post ideas, but marketers should always, always, give it their human magic touch before hitting ‘publish.’

“Use AI to analyse trending topics in your industry and add those insights to your content. But please, for the sake of your SEO ranking, let a human give the final polish,” comments Jade. 

Missing the Emotion Behind Keywords

Okay, so AI tools are great at telling which keywords an audience is using. But are content marketers paying attention to the context? The term “affordable” might pop up often, but if it’s in sentences like “I wish this were more affordable,” content marketers have some brand sentiment issues to address.

“Use sentiment analysis tools to understand the tone and context behind keywords. Getting this wrong could affect your brand’s credibility and, yep, you guessed it. Your SEO,” suggests Jade. 

Being a One-Trick Pony

If AI tools give content marketers insights about what content resonates with their audience, don’t stop there. It’s tempting to focus on one type of content, but remember, variety is the secret ingredient for SEO! Marketers can’t just write blog posts or they will be missing out on other forms of content like videos, podcasts, and infographics that can boost SEO ranking.

“Analyse which types of content are getting the most engagement using AI. Then, diversify while keeping those insights in mind. This can really up your SEO game,” mentions Jade. 

Treating AI as a One-Time Solution

AI isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it tool. Market trends, consumer behaviour, and Google’s algorithms are continually changing. Some marketers make the mistake of running an AI analysis once and implementing the suggestions but never revisiting it, assuming the job is done. This approach can cause previously optimised content to become outdated, affecting your SEO.

“Make AI a regular part of your ongoing strategy. Set periodic reviews to reassess and adjust based on new data. Use it to keep track of algorithmic changes and trends that may impact your SEO so you can make the best ongoing changes in your strategy,” advises Jade. 

Remember, AI’s not the enemy here, but marketers must learn to use it wisely. Dodge these pitfalls, and you’re on your way to SEO glory.

Sophia Anderson

Sophia Anderson is a blogger and a freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on money, business, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes in the driving force of positive attitude and constant development.