Five Rules of Success from Mila Serdjukova

Mila Serdjukova is a President in the affiliate program of the multilevel crowdinvesting company Evorich, a certified investment consultant, an international speaker and a coach.

1. Figure out what you want

Analyze the global trends, see what is happening in the market, try your hand at different activities. If in the process you realize that you are not qualified enough, take a training course in the chosen subject matter; the most important thing is not to stand still. Turn your attention to people who have already achieved success in this particular field, see what they are doing and do the same, communicate with them, learn from their experience.

2. Remember that money is not the goal, it is only the result of your work

I never set myself the goal of making as much money as possible. Money is just a tool, not an end in itself. We use money to buy what we want: whether it’s experience, things or service. It’s not the question of having a lot of money but of what you do with it. The more value you bring to the market, the more the market gives you. The law of attraction works both for the market and for relationships and for everything that a person comes into contact with. Do not get hung up on money, money is the result of your work. The higher the value, the more money you can get.

3. Do not forget about self-development

If you want to be successful, you need to constantly improve. Do not forget to study, attend training sessions, go see business coaches speak in public, read motivational literature. Today there are a lot of classes, webinars and business training courses on a wide variety of subjects. Be more curious, study and read more. At the time, Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad” played a big role in my life because it was from it that I learned what the cashflow quadrant was, what an investor was and why 90% of the world’s wealth was distributed between those two categories. It was a discovery for me that investors were not people who worked for money but who made money work for them.

4. Surround yourself with successful people

Remember that a person is greatly influenced by their environment. Connect with people who have similar values ​​and goals, these people will support you and motivate you to move forward. For example, my sister worked as a nanny but, seeing me, she took courses at the Academy of a Private Investor. Not only did she learn the theory and get a clearer idea of the financial and foreign currency markets but she also gained knowledge about specific instruments to use in real life. Now she is investing her savings, building her investment portfolio and developing in this field. There’s a reason why they say, “Tell me about your environment, and I’ll tell you who you are.” Of course, I’m not talking about replacing your relatives and family, I’m talking about seeking to be in the company of successful people. Expand your comfort zone, make new friends, learn new things and develop. 

5. Remember that you can combine family and business

It is widely assumed that a successful business cannot be combined with family life. They believe it will negatively affect either your family or business. However, there are lots of examples of how women manage to be mothers and at the same time build a successful business. For example, the owner of the Wildberries online store has seven children. I think children are a great motivator: we want them to go to a good school, to develop, to have the very best. This, undoubtedly, gives parents an incentive and pushes them towards their own development, greater goals and the implementation of those goals.

Sophia Anderson

Sophia Anderson is a blogger and a freelance writer. She is passionate about covering topics on money, business, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes in the driving force of positive attitude and constant development.