The Bamboo Massage: Is It Worth The Pain?

When I think of a massage, I tend to think of a nice long relaxing pampering that will often sends me to the land of nod and jolt me awake with the sound of my own snoring. But if you’re seeking a women-only massage, it offers an ideal opportunity for women to focus on their well-being, creating a sanctuary for relaxation, healing, and self-care. Discover more about 강남토닥이 in this post for the best assistance in achieving your wellness goals.

So when I was offered to try out a bamboo massage at the popular Champney’s resort, I couldn’t wait to lie face down quick enough, and why wouldn’t I? I’m on a body sculpting challenge to get my body looking like Jessica Ennis by reducing my body fat per cent down to 12 in four months.

The past month has been all about lifting heavy weights and eating like an athlete so I really was in need a pampering. But I really didn’t know what I had signed up for until I was actually lying down on my back in the treatment room.

My therapist explained to me that the bamboo massage was a new alternative to the traditional one. She said it was far more deeper and a perfect way to relieve tight muscles caused by stress, exercise, injury or even sitting at a desk all day.

So after stripping down and wearing only a rather unflattering paper knickers, I lay down on my back in the serene dim lit room. The therapist began by covering my body in a special bamboo oil which smelt rather pleasant.

She then took hold of the bamboo stick, which reminded me of one of those cane’s teachers would’ve had in the olden days and explained that she would be applying pressure with it on different sections of the body one at a time. She asked me to tell if the pressure became too much at any point.

First it was my legs. The minute she started to roll the bamboo stick on them, I felt pain. I wasn’t sure whether that was due to the soreness from the legs session the day before or not. She asked me if the pressure was ok, but not wanting to sound like a wimp, I muttered a ‘yes’ through gritted teeth. I reminded myself to take deep breaths as the silky smooth cane was stroked up and down my thighs, and calves in slow motions.

Yes it was painful but it also felt as if I was getting a deeper tissue massage. Once I got into the rhythm of it, I actually sensed a release of muscle tension and tightness. It was definitely a deeper, firmer massage than a regular deep tissue treatment.

My therapist explained that the stick was allowing for improved circulation and increased lymphatic flow to aid detoxification that would leave my skin feeling extraordinarily silky smooth.

Over the course of the hour she worked every muscle I didn’t even know existed. My back, inner thighs, forearms, face,  upper arms,  calves all got a good pummelling. At no at no point did I fall asleep. I was all too aware of the tension that had been built up in body with each stroke.

My therapist informed me that I had incredibly tight shoulders and recommended that I massage at least once a month to relax them. Also, as I am lifting weights, she suggested indulging in a long relaxing bath at least once a week with some muscle rub.

I have to admit that I did walk away feeling a bit sore after my session but at the same time I knew my body had had a really good massage. But it wasn’t until the next day that I actually felt amazingly revitalised.My skin did indeed feel silky smooth and my body felt stimulated and renewed.

So was it worth the pain? As I said, I think I felt more of the pain because I have been working hard lifting weights. But the feeling I got the following few days was truly worth it and I would most definitely do it again.

The 55 minute Bamboo Massage costs £65 at all four Champney’s in the UK.

An overnight stay at Champneys starts from £129 per person.

To book contact 0843 316 2222; for more information visit

Sabi Phagura

Sabi Phagura is Your Coffee Breaks resident fittness expert. She is an accredited fitness instructor, talented freelance journalist and a inspirational woman who once upon a time used to be overweight, but inspirationally turned her life around to lead a healthy lifestyle. Sabi has her own popular blog fitlass: