Sporting Injuries: How to Find a Chiropractor to Help You Back to Full Health

Experiencing a sporting injury can be distressing, particularly if the injury prevents you from going about your normal activities and the things you care about. Getting the best possible treatment for your injury is vital, and your first step should always be seeking medical help from Advanced Correction Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, where a team of skilled professionals can guide you through a comprehensive rehabilitation program tailored to your needs, helping you recover and get back to doing what you love.

If the injury was exacerbated by negligence on the field or due to shoddy equipment, you may be entitled to prosecute a no win no fee claim. Either way, your main priority should be recovery.

How you access medical care will depend on the severity of the injury, and if you are concerned, it is best to attend A&E or call an ambulance if you are unable to make your own way. If the injury is less severe, you should make an appointment with your doctor or attend a walk-in clinic.

The recovery process can be lengthy, depending on the type of injury you’ve experienced. One of the best ways to aid your recovery can be through chiropractic adjustments or bulging disk treatment. A chiropractor will be able to supplement the treatment you receive from your GP or other medical professional and help speed up your recovery. You should ensure that you choose the best possible professional to help you on your road to full health.  

Do A Google Search 

Searching Google is one of the quickest and easiest ways to find a local chiropractic clinic. You will usually be presented with a wide range of options to sift through, so it may help to make a list of the options with the best reviews and start there. It is also best to use their map app to find chiropractors that are close to your home, so you don’t have to travel far to access this essential service.  

Search The General Chiropractic Council 

The General Chiropractic Council (GCC) is a UK body that regulates chiropractic practices. You should always check that a chiropractor is regulated by the GCC to ensure they adhere to the highest standards of care and qualification. You can easily search for chiropractors in your local area using their search tool or check the credentials of the chiropractor you have in mind.  

Understand Your Needs 

Once you have sought medical attention for your injury, you should be able to get an accurate diagnosis and clinical impression and a treatment plan from your research of the most suitable chiropractor to use, as you can narrow down your choices based on your background search. Look for a professional with experience in this area and reviews from people with the same issues that have seen positive results. 

You can also see if the particular chiropractor or healthcare professional has any free resources on their website or guides to help you on your road to recovery. 

Look At Qualifications 

Any professional chiropractor will have excellent qualifications that allow them to carry out their work to a high standard. This should include a 5 year degree in chiropractic, at the very least. They should also have a range of further qualifications allowing them to perform more specialised or complex work safely and effectively. 

Find Out About Fees 

Cost should never be the primary consideration when it comes to your health, but it is still essential to ensure you’re getting good value for money and it’s within your budget. You should find out about a chiropractor’s fees upfront and get quotes from a few professionals to know what the average cost should be before any treatment. Any quality chiropractor will be happy to provide details of the pricing upfront, like the experts at Life Balance Chiropractic Centre. Life Balance Chiropractic have also written this great blog post about the 5 factors that influence chiropractor prices.  

Choose Someone With Excellent Reviews 

Reviews can be a great way to find a quality professional, giving you a better idea of the level and type of service a chiropractor provides. There are many ways you can access reviews for professionals online, starting with a chiropractor’s website. This will usually list a range of testimonials from past clients, explaining what work was done and how it impacted the condition they were experiencing. 

You can also find reviews on places like Google and Trustpilot, which can be a better way to access impartial opinions. It is always important to look at anything written online with a healthy dose of scepticism, as there isn’t always a sure way to ascertain if the review is genuine.  

It’s also key to avoid the 7 key mistakes people make when choosing a chiropractor

Check Your Private Insurance Plan 

Private insurance is not as common in the UK compared to counties like the US, but it is becoming a more popular benefit employers offer to their staff. If you have private insurance, this can be a great way to make chiropractic more accessible and cost-effective and may be able to cover some of your care. 

If you choose to go through a private insurance plan, you’ll have to choose a chiropractor that is listed as an approved option. Most chiropractors who work with insurance don’t bill insurance companies directly but you can collect invoices which can be reimbursed up to a certain amount each year and then copay for what your insurance won’t cover.  This can make choosing a quality chiropractor much easier, as the options accepted by your insurance provider will already be thoroughly vetted. 

Meighan Sembrano

London based journalist Meighan Sembrano is an expert in beauty and skin related concerns and topics. She has contributed a vast range of research papers and features in the Health and Fitness field.