How to Manage and Reduce Stress Effectively 

If there’s one thing we’re certain of in life aside from paying taxes and our ultimate demise, it’s stress. Whatever kind of job you’re in or life you lead, we all get stressed. However, some people find it easier to manage than others. If you’re in the category where stress is taking over and becoming a hindrance, there are things you can do about it.

From exercising to eating well, here are some of the best stress busters you can try out in 2022 that can bring peace, solace, and change your mindset for the better.


Exercise isn’t only great for keeping your weight in check. If you’re full of stress and finding it hard to unwind, getting your blood pumping can be a brilliant stress buster. This is because when you start exercising, your brain releases endorphins. These are feel-good chemicals that can make you feel amazing! There are lots of ways you can get your 30 minutes of physical activity in too. From a gym session to a dip in the pool, you’re sure to find an exercise that suits you and puts your stress at bay.

Deep Breathing

With so many of us constantly on the go, have you ever taken a second to stop in your tracks and breathe? If the answer is no, it’s little wonder you’re stressed! Deep breathing exercises are brilliant at calming stress and anxiety. You don’t have to be a relaxation technique expert to get results either. Wherever you are, take 5 minutes to do some deep breaths. As you give your body time to recharge, you’ll soon notice any tension seeps away.

Eat Healthily

What you’re eating can have a huge influence on stress. Refined carbohydrates and added sugar are culprits when it comes to impacting stress. This means it’s time to cut down on how many cakes, cookies, and sugary drinks you consume. The same goes for carbs like white bread and pasta. Being more mindful of what you eat and sticking to a balanced diet will not only ensure you’re getting enough vitamins and nutrients but help with stress too.

Stop Smoking

There are millions of people across the UK who smoke. While the number has significantly declined over the years, for those who find it difficult to pack in for good, there are some tips that can help. For example, swapping to vaping can help you cut down and is believed to be a healthier option. You can check out this range of e-liquids from Just Juice. They are experts when it comes to e-liquids and all things vaping. While vaping isn’t exactly great for your body, it’s a better alternative when compared to tobacco use.

Make Time for Hobbies

If your life revolves around work and no pleasure, it’s easy to get worked up and find stress hard to manage. Whatever you have on the agenda, you must factor in hobbies. Whether you love gardening, playing sports, arts and crafts, reading, or playing card games like Solitaire or Magic the Gathering, having something to look forward to can shift your focus and keep you happy.

Setting aside an hour each day to do something you love can instantly relieve stress. If you are into playing games online you can even try your hands at Solitaire as there are plenty of freecell solitaire card games online which also will be sure to keep you entertained. Many people find video games relaxing too, especially life simulator games like Animal Crossing. These sorts of games have no real threats, allowing you to simply potter around and explore to your heart’s content. Alternatively, you can head to a site like if you enjoy classic games like Plinko that have an element of luck, if that’s what you find fun.

Keep Positive

A large part of stress is your mindset. If you’re the type of person who never looks on the bright side of life, then chances are you’re always going to feel down and gloomy. However, it doesn’t always have to be this way. Thinking positively and changing your outlook can truly get rid of stress and keep your spirits up. There are a number of health benefits positive thinking can provide too. These include an increased life span, a lower rate of depression, and better cardiovascular health.

Talk to Loved Ones

When you’re feeling stressed, never suffer in silence. We should all have a loved one we can contact when times are hard. Whether you’ve got a family member down the road or a friend to call up, speaking to someone about your problems can combat stress. Even if you’ve got no one nearby, most of us have smartphones. This means you can FaceTime or WhatsApp your nearest and dearest. When you share your problems, we promise you’ll feel better within yourself.

Switch Off

If you’re always on the go and have an endless list of chores, it can help to simply switch off from the world for a bit and focus on yourself. Switch off your smartphone, run yourself a relaxing bath, and give yourself chance to truly relax and destress. No one is going to panic if you go quiet for an hour, so use this time to your advantage.

Stress needn’t take over your life. If you use the right techniques and make small lifestyle changes, you’ll find it much easier to cope with stress and anxiety. For those who try the above to no avail, it may be time to contact your GP for further advice and support.

Rachel Bartee

Rachel Bartee is a freelance writer dreaming of a tour around the world to write a story of her greatest life adventure. For the time being, she feels inspired by her daily yoga sessions and her career in copywriting & marketing.