Healthy Lifestyle Tips For College Students

Healthy lifestyle tips for college students

Keep up with your healthy eating, even during nights out! 

Keep up with your healthy eating in college

Leading a healthy lifestyle is very beneficial, especially to college students as exercise and what we eat has an impact on our brains. Did you know that a banana contain 10 milligrams of dopamine, a mood booster in the brain? And that dark chocolate is known to boost serotonin, a type of chemical that helps relay signals from one area of the brain to another. Certain foods also have the ability to moderate our body’s level of cortisol (the stress hormone). However, it is not easy due to many commitments that college students have such as studying for exams, participating in extracurricular activities on campus and engaging in social activities with fellow students. As I do my essay, I will illustrate ways in which one can achieve a healthy lifestyle while on campus.

Students should try hard to eat a balanced diet, reduce alcohol consumption rate, getting enough sleep and also engage in exercises. These are critical activities for students as well as professionals who desire to achieve a healthy lifestyle and improve their ways of handling challenges.

Eat balance diet all the time.

Just like your car, your brain needs quality fuel to run efficiently. Make sure you put some effort to get a balanced diet food while in campus, and you’ll be more productive. Most college students are always tempted to go for fast foods which are not good to their health. A balanced diet meal is very important to the body since it makes sure you have the necessary energy that you need to remain alert and focused while in school. These foods include grains, some fat, protein and other produce which are rich in nutrients composition. Always make food in good time so that you don’t get tempted to go after fast foods. Examples of a great meal can include sandwiches, mixed nuts, fruits, and vegetables among others.

Daily exercise. 

Exercising is one of the most essential activity in order to be healthy both physically and mentally. Health expert have confirmed that regular exercises can enable one to improve his alertness and concentration in class, relieve stress and improve your mood. Moreover, it strengthens your muscles and improves the functionality of your body. In a college setting, it is advised to do exercises in groups since it is more fun and also motivating. This way you won’t look at it as an obligation but as a hobby or leisure activity. However, some people are unable to maintain a consistent exercise routine and are advised to make use of other forms of activities, for instance biking or walking.

College students doing exerecise

Get enough sleep.

Many people today feel like they never have enough time. However, for your body and brain to function properly, it’s crucial that you understand the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. A good sufficient sleep is good for your health since sleep keeps you well rested and ultimately put you in a good mood. It also helps to maintain the level of your energy, increase your alertness and thinking capability, and improves your immune system. Lack of sleep can make you irritable and leave you feeling more stressed than you probably are. According to a study done at the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, this can lead to things much worse such as insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Getting more sleep each night actually adds years to your life. Although, it is unfortunate that most college students have a habit of staying up late at night while studying or interacting with friends. This habit has many disadvantages since it changes their sleeping pattern, making them to fall asleep during the daytime and affects the quality of their sleep during night time. It also makes them feel tired during day time. Therefore, one should maintain a consistent bedtime and avoid drinks such as tea, coffee and alcohol during the night in order to improve the quality of their sleep.

Avoid taking alcohol.

It comes without saying that alcohol has a very bad effect on someone’s health. Alcohol weakens your body and hinders you from performing to the best of your ability. Many students use alcohol as a way to reduce school stress. However, excessive consumption of alcohol can cause hangovers and impair your concentration and class performance. Therefore, students should try to take alcohol in moderation. For instance, three drinks per day. Remember in most countries and colleges, consumption of alcohol is only allowing for those that are 21 years old and above.

How do you motivate yourself to staying healthy in college? Tell us in the comments!

By: Adam Smith