Top 10 Interview Questions CEOs Love to Ask
Top 10 interview questions CEOs love to ask
There’s no better way to prepare for an interview than to practice your answers to the big boss’ questions!
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
CEOs will often pose a real problem that they’re trying to tackle at the moment to candidates. That way, they’re able to gauge the candidate’s response and judge whether or not they can think critically and quickly about pressing issues.
Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?
Your answer to this question will give the CEO an idea of who you are as a person, what you value, and what you’ve achieved thus far in your career. Make sure you have a good explanation of why you’re proud of this accomplishment because often, your reasoning will matter more to the employer than the actual feat.
Could you summarise your life in a few sentences?
For obvious reasons, this question is inherently tricky. CEOs love it because it forces the candidate to sum up everything that they see as important or prominent in his or her life. It gives them a good idea of what the candidate values and how they perceive themselves.
How’s your day going?
Job interviews don’t begin when the potential employer starts lobbying the hard-core questions at you: they begin from the moment you walk in the door and engage in small talk with the secretary. This is also known as the Airport Test – would the CEO hate being stuck in an airport with you for hours on end? Don’t let this stress you out, though! All you have to do is make sure that you’re letting your awesome personality shine through.
If you won the lottery, would you continue to work?
This question is also a tough one, but it gives you the chance to show the CEO how passionate you are about the industry. If your answer is yes, it tells the interviewer that you truly enjoy the work you do and deeply care about the day-to-day aspects of your job, not just the paycheck.
Describe yourself in one word.
This prompt really gets down to the meat and bones of the candidate’s personality and how they think about themselves. Whichever word you use, choose wisely because you’ll be encompassing all of you, your personality, and your best qualities with one simple adjective (but no pressure, right?)
If you were an animal, which one would you be?
As silly as this one sounds, it’s actually pretty crucial for more reasons than one. Your answer will not only reveal a lot about you and your personality, but it will also tell the interviewer how you respond to curveballs and how creative you are.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
The old five-year conundrum is an age-old interview question. Whatever you say, make sure you’re conveying the idea that you’re excited about the job and would like to stick around. Try to show that you’re loyal, enthusiastic, and willing to work hard to make a good impression in the company.
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made on the job and how did you make up for it?
This one is another classic interview question employers love to ask their candidates. While it seem like they’re trying to pain you into a corner, even CEOs know that everyone makes mistakes. They really just want to find out what makes you tick and how you deal with the problems that will inevitably arise in the workplace.
Could you sum up the company’s aim in one sentence?
This question is where the heavy research comes in. Before your interview, make sure you know as much as possible about the company to prove that you’re interested, enthusiastic, and in-the-know about their vision. Because really, how will you be a good employee if you don’t know what you’re working towards?